The Go! Go! Sports Girl book series promotes self-appreciation and the benefits of daily exercise, smart eating and sleeping habits, self-esteem, and overall healthy life skills. The books in the series encourage all children to dream big and work hard to achieve their goals—and have fun while doing so.

An engaging story about a friendly rivalry mingled with facts about soccer, makes this a fun book for kids. When Cassie’s best friend Anna introduces her to soccer, it’s only a matter of time before Cassie loves the sport as much as her friend does. Cassie wants to play with Anna, but they’re assigned to different teams. What will happen when their two teams compete? Children find out who wins the big game.

An engaging tale of overcoming one’s fears and finding friendship in unexpected places that will have kids itching to hit the tumbling mats after learning about gymnastics. Maya is afraid of everything: climbing trees, thunder, spiders—and she’s especially afraid of the handsprings she has to do in her gymnastics class. With the big meet coming up, though, she’ll have to become brave. Readers will find out how she does it, and the unexpected friend she makes on the way in a story sprinkled with facts about the sport of gymnastics.

Good listening habits, focus, and practice are the positive themes that pervade this story about a young ballerina preparing for a big recital. Maria Camila (M.C. for short) loves ballet, but the big recital is only three weeks away and she's having a hard time keeping focused—and remembering what seem to her to be a zillion dance steps. Will she chassé gracefully across the stage, or will she stumble and fall? Readers will discover how M.C. prepares for the recital and learn fun facts about ballet and dance.

This book provides a fantastic example of how kids can think creatively to achieve their goals while highlighting the importance of fitness for mental and physical health. Ella really, really wants a dog. More than that—she needs one. She’s convinced of it. Her parents, though, aren’t as sure she’s ready to take care of one. To prove she is responsible enough, Ella starts up a dog-running business. In this entertaining book, children learn how Ella manages to get her whole family in shape and make her wish come true, while learning some fun facts about running.

Fun swimming facts abound in this tale that teaches kids that hard work, doing one’s best, and good sportsmanship are their own rewards. Swimming is Suzi’s passion, and she longs to be as accomplished a swimmer as her big sister Hana, whose ribbons colorfully decorate her bedpost. Finally, Suzi’s hard work pays off and she’s called up for the meet. But is she ready to race against her older sister? This heartwarming story reveals what happens at the swim meet and provides a number of fun facts about swimming.

This entertaining book has a positive message about welcoming a new member to the team. Roxy dreams of being as good a cheerleader as her mom and older sister were before her, but when a new, shy girl joins the squad, she'll find out what being a leader really means. Kids discover what happens at the cheer competition while they learn some fun facts about the sport of cheerleading.


Jodi Bondi Norgaard is the founder of Dream Big Toy Company and the creator of the award-winning Go! Go! Sports Girls line of dolls, books, and apps for girls encouraging healthy and active play over fashion and body image. She created Go! Go! Sports Girls as a fun and educational way to promote self-appreciation and healthy life skills. The Go! Go! Sports Girls book series represent girls' lives as they are now: strong, smart, active, athletic and adventurous. Written by Kara Douglass Thom, the books support social-emotional growth through sport, and encourage girls to dream big.
Jodi has always been involved in sports and for many years coached "Girls on the Run,” a program that encourages girls to make healthy choices in life through running. While working with the young girls, including her own daughter, and noticing the mixed messages girls receive in the media, Jodi had an idea. "I realized there was a need for a positive imaged products for girls that are age appropriate, proportioned properly and send a positive message about a healthy lifestyle - physically, mentally and emotionally - through sports. I created Go! Go! Sports Girls line to emphasize what a girl’s body can do versus what her body looks like."
Jodi Bondi Norgaard
Founder & CEO
President Obama’s Council on Women and Girls invites the Go! Go! Sports Girls to The White House!